Revert "Extract projects.yaml loader into a module."

This was not ready to be merged.

This reverts commit 8b9f93f67ad43e0ac8dd95e02f8269f6d7cae912

Change-Id: Icef953ba61959b6b2e7aa18731eb7b953379195b
Approved: Jeremy Stanley <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
diff --git a/jeepyb/cmd/ b/jeepyb/cmd/
index b641134..e7742f1 100644
--- a/jeepyb/cmd/
+++ b/jeepyb/cmd/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,6 +13,19 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+# Github pull requests closer reads a project config file called projects.yaml
+# It should look like:
+# - homepage:
+#   team-id: 153703
+#   has-wiki: False
+#   has-issues: False
+#   has-downloads: False
+# ---
+# - project: PROJECT_NAME
+#   options:
+#   - has-pull-requests
 # Github authentication information is read from,
 # which should look like:
@@ -29,10 +41,9 @@
 import ConfigParser
 import github
 import os
+import yaml
 import logging
-import jeepyb.projects
 MESSAGE = """Thank you for contributing to OpenStack!
 %(project)s uses Gerrit for code review.
@@ -53,7 +64,8 @@
     secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
-    projects = jeepyb.projects.get_config(PROJECTS_YAML)[1]
+    (defaults, config) = [config for config in
+                          yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
     if secure_config.has_option("github", "oauth_token"):
         ghub = github.Github(secure_config.get("github", "oauth_token"))
@@ -63,10 +75,11 @@
     orgs = ghub.get_user().get_orgs()
     orgs_dict = dict(zip([o.login.lower() for o in orgs], orgs))
-    for project, parameters in projects.items:
+    for section in config:
+        project = section['project']
         # Make sure we're supposed to close pull requests for this project:
-        if 'has-pull-requests' in parameters['options']:
+        if 'options' in section and 'has-pull-requests' in section['options']:
         # Find the project's repo
diff --git a/jeepyb/cmd/ b/jeepyb/cmd/
index d02adbf..f34e518 100644
--- a/jeepyb/cmd/
+++ b/jeepyb/cmd/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,13 +13,25 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+# Fetch remotes reads a project config file called projects.yaml
+# It should look like:
+# - homepage:
+#   team-id: 153703
+#   has-wiki: False
+#   has-issues: False
+#   has-downloads: False
+# ---
+# - project: PROJECT_NAME
+#   options:
+#   - remote:
 import logging
 import os
 import subprocess
 import shlex
-import jeepyb.projects
+import yaml
 def run_command(cmd, status=False, env={}):
@@ -47,17 +58,20 @@
     PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
-    projects = jeepyb.projects.get_projects(PROJECTS_YAML)[1]
+    (defaults, config) = [config for config in
+                          yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
-    for project, parameters in projects.items():
-        if 'remote' not in parameters:
+    for section in config:
+        project = section['project']
+        if 'remote' not in section:
         project_git = "%s.git" % project
         os.chdir(os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, project_git))
         # Make sure that the specified remote exists
-        remote_url = parameters['remote']
+        remote_url = section['remote']
         # We could check if it exists first, but we're ignoring output anyway
         # So just try to make it, and it'll either make a new one or do nothing
         run_command("git remote add -f upstream %s" % remote_url)
diff --git a/jeepyb/cmd/ b/jeepyb/cmd/
index 967abc6..2137ea0 100644
--- a/jeepyb/cmd/
+++ b/jeepyb/cmd/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
-# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,6 +14,36 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
+# reads a project config file called projects.yaml
+# It should look like:
+# - homepage:
+#   gerrit-host:
+#   local-git-dir: /var/lib/git
+#   gerrit-key: /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
+#   has-wiki: False
+#   has-issues: False
+#   has-downloads: False
+#   acl-dir: /home/gerrit2/acls
+#   acl-base: /home/gerrit2/acls/project.config
+# ---
+# - project: PROJECT_NAME
+#   options:
+#    - has-wiki
+#    - has-issues
+#    - has-downloads
+#    - has-pull-requests
+#   homepage: Some homepage that isn't
+#   description: This is a great project
+#   remote:
+#   upstream: git://
+#   acl-config: /path/to/gerrit/project.config
+#   acl-append:
+#     - /path/to/gerrit/project.config
+#   acl-parameters:
+#     project: OTHER_PROJECT_NAME
 import ConfigParser
 import logging
 import os
@@ -21,12 +51,12 @@
 import shlex
 import subprocess
 import tempfile
+import yaml
 import github
 import gerritlib.gerrit
 import jeepyb.gerritdb
-import jeepyb.projects
 log = logging.getLogger("manage_projects")
@@ -77,6 +107,8 @@
         config_file = os.path.join(repo_base, "%s.config" % project)
         config_file = os.path.join(acl_dir, "%s.config" % project)
+    if 'project' not in parameters:
+        parameters['project'] = project
     with open(config_file, 'w') as config:
         if acl_base and os.path.exists(acl_base):
             config.write(open(acl_base, 'r').read())
@@ -196,17 +228,25 @@
 def main():
     PROJECTS_YAML = os.environ.get('PROJECTS_YAML',
-    defaults, registry = jeepyb.projects.get_projects(PROJECTS_YAML)
+    configs = [config for config in yaml.load_all(open(PROJECTS_YAML))]
+    defaults = configs[0][0]
+    default_has_issues = defaults.get('has-issues', False)
+    default_has_downloads = defaults.get('has-downloads', False)
+    default_has_wiki = defaults.get('has-wiki', False)
-    LOCAL_GIT_DIR = defaults['gerrit-defaults']['local-git-dir']
-    ACL_DIR = defaults['gerrit-defaults']['acl-dir']
-    GERRIT_HOST = defaults['gerrit-defaults']['host']
-    GERRIT_USER = defaults['gerrit-defaults']['user']
-    GERRIT_KEY = defaults['gerrit-defaults']['key']
+    LOCAL_GIT_DIR = defaults.get('local-git-dir', '/var/lib/git')
+    ACL_DIR = defaults.get('acl-dir')
+    GERRIT_HOST = defaults.get('gerrit-host')
+    GERRIT_USER = defaults.get('gerrit-user')
+    GERRIT_KEY = defaults.get('gerrit-key')
-    GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG = defaults['github-defaults']['config']
+    GITHUB_SECURE_CONFIG = defaults.get(
+        'github-config',
+        '/etc/github/')
     secure_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
@@ -224,8 +264,13 @@
     ssh_env = make_ssh_wrapper(GERRIT_USER, GERRIT_KEY)
-        for project, parameters in registry.items():
-            options = parameters['options']
+        for section in configs[1]:
+            project = section['project']
+            options = section.get('options', dict())
+            description = section.get('description', None)
+            homepage = section.get('homepage', defaults.get('homepage', None))
+            upstream = section.get('upstream', None)
             project_git = "%s.git" % project
             project_dir = os.path.join(LOCAL_GIT_DIR, project_git)
@@ -235,6 +280,9 @@
                 repo_name = project_split[1]
                 repo_name = project
+            has_issues = 'has-issues' in options or default_has_issues
+            has_downloads = 'has-downloads' in options or default_has_downloads
+            has_wiki = 'has-wiki' in options or default_has_wiki
                 org = orgs_dict[project_split[0].lower()]
             except KeyError:
@@ -243,21 +291,19 @@
                 repo = org.get_repo(repo_name)
             except github.GithubException:
-                repo = org.create_repo(
-                    repo_name,
-                    homepage=parameters.get('homepage'),
-                    has_issues='has-issues' in options,
-                    has_downloads='has-downloads' in options,
-                    has_wiki='has-wiki' in options)
-            if 'description' in parameters:
-                repo.edit(repo_name, description=parameters['description'])
-            if 'homepage' in parameters:
-                repo.edit(repo_name, homepage=parameters['homepage'])
+                repo = org.create_repo(repo_name,
+                                       homepage=homepage,
+                                       has_issues=has_issues,
+                                       has_downloads=has_downloads,
+                                       has_wiki=has_wiki)
+            if description:
+                repo.edit(repo_name, description=description)
+            if homepage:
+                repo.edit(repo_name, homepage=homepage)
-            repo.edit(repo_name,
-                      has_issues='has-issues' in options,
-                      has_downloads='has-downloads' in options,
-                      has_wiki='has-wiki' in options)
+            repo.edit(repo_name, has_issues=has_issues,
+                      has_downloads=has_downloads,
+                      has_wiki=has_wiki)
             if 'gerrit' not in [ for team in repo.get_teams()]:
                 teams = org.get_teams()
@@ -269,9 +315,9 @@
                 tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
                     repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
-                    if 'upstream' in parameters:
+                    if upstream:
                         run_command("git clone %(upstream)s %(repo_path)s" %
-                                    dict(upstream=parameters['upstream'],
+                                    dict(upstream=upstream,
                                     "fetch origin "
@@ -309,32 +355,38 @@
                     run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
-            acl_config = parameters['acl-config']
-            if not os.path.isfile(acl_config):
-                write_acl_config(project,
-                                 ACL_DIR,
-                                 parameters['acl-base'],
-                                 parameters['acl-append'],
-                                 parameters['acl-parameters'])
-            tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-                repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
-                ret, _ = run_command_status("git init %s" % repo_path)
-                if ret != 0:
-                    continue
-                if (fetch_config(project,
-                                 remote_url,
-                                 repo_path,
-                                 ssh_env) and
-                    copy_acl_config(project, repo_path,
-                                    parameters['acl-config']) and
-                        create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path)):
-                    push_acl_config(project,
-                                    remote_url,
-                                    repo_path,
-                                    ssh_env)
-            finally:
-                run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
+                acl_config = section.get('acl-config',
+                                         '%s.config' % os.path.join(ACL_DIR,
+                                                                    project))
+            except AttributeError:
+                acl_config = None
+            if acl_config:
+                if not os.path.isfile(acl_config):
+                    write_acl_config(project,
+                                     ACL_DIR,
+                                     section.get('acl-base', None),
+                                     section.get('acl-append', []),
+                                     section.get('acl-parameters', {}))
+                tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+                try:
+                    repo_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'repo')
+                    ret, _ = run_command_status("git init %s" % repo_path)
+                    if ret != 0:
+                        continue
+                    if (fetch_config(project,
+                                     remote_url,
+                                     repo_path,
+                                     ssh_env) and
+                        copy_acl_config(project, repo_path,
+                                        acl_config) and
+                            create_groups_file(project, gerrit, repo_path)):
+                        push_acl_config(project,
+                                        remote_url,
+                                        repo_path,
+                                        ssh_env)
+                finally:
+                    run_command("rm -fr %s" % tmpdir)
diff --git a/jeepyb/ b/jeepyb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1fbb4..0000000
--- a/jeepyb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
-# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import yaml
-def get_projects(registry_file):
-    """
-    This reads a project registry file which should look like:
-    gerrit-defaults:
-      acl-dir: /home/gerrit2/acls
-      host:
-      key: /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key
-      local-git-dir: /var/lib/git
-      user: openstack-project-creator
-    github-defaults:
-      config: /etc/github/
-    project-defaults:
-      homepage:
-      options: []
-    ---
-      acl-append:
-        - /path/to/gerrit/project.config
-      acl-base: /home/gerrit2/acls/project.config
-      description: This is a great project.
-      homepage: Some homepage that isn't
-      launchpad: someproject
-      options:
-       - has-downloads
-       - has-issues
-       - has-pull-requests
-       - has-wiki
-       - no-lp-bugs
-       - release-on-merge
-      remote:
-      upstream: git://
-      acl-parameters:
-        project: SOME_PROJECT_NAME
-      description: This is an even greater project.
-    """
-    configs = [config for config in yaml.load_all(open(registry_file))]
-    if len(configs) == 2:
-        # two sections means the first one contains defaults
-        configured_defaults = configs[0]
-        projects = configs[1]
-    else:
-        # only one means there are no configured defaults
-        configured_defaults = {}
-        projects = configs[0]
-    # start with some builtin defaults for safety
-    builtin_defaults = {
-        'gerrit-defaults': {
-            'acl-dir': '/home/gerrit2/acls',
-            'host': '',
-            'key': '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key',
-            'local-git-dir': '/var/lib/git',
-            'user': 'openstack-project-creator',
-        },
-        'github-defaults': {
-            'config': '/etc/github/',
-        },
-        'project-defaults': {
-            'acl-append': [],
-            'acl-base': None,
-            'acl-parameters': {},
-            'homepage': '',
-            'options': [],
-        }
-    }
-    # override the builtin defaults with any provided in the registry file
-    defaults = {}
-    for section in builtin_defaults:
-        defaults[section] = dict(
-            list(builtin_defaults[section].items())
-            + list(configured_defaults.get(section, {}).items())
-        )
-    # build the project registry
-    registry = {}
-    for project in projects:
-        registry[project] = dict(
-            list(defaults['project-defaults'].items())
-            + list(projects[project].items())
-        )
-        if 'acl-config' not in registry[project]:
-            registry[project]['acl-config'] = '%s.config' % os.path.join(
-                defaults['gerrit-defaults']['acl-dir'], project)
-    return (defaults, registry)