Renamed project/datasource; Install script
This patch refactors the name of the project, datasource,
and adds an install script that can be curl bashed on
Linux distributions that do not yet have a proper package
for this datasource.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64e7eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# usage:
+# curl -sSL | sh -
+# The script to lookup the path to the cloud-init's datasource directory, "sources".
+PY_SCRIPT='import os; from cloudinit import sources; print(os.path.dirname(sources.__file__));'
+# Get the path to the cloud-init installation's datasource directory.
+CLOUD_INIT_SOURCES=$(python -c ''"${PY_SCRIPT}"'' 2>/dev/null || \
+ python3 -c ''"${PY_SCRIPT}"'' 2>/dev/null) ||
+ { exit_code="${?}"; echo "failed to find python runtime" 1>&2; exit "${exit_code}"; }
+# If no "sources" directory was located then it's likely cloud-init is not installed.
+[ -z "${CLOUD_INIT_SOURCES}" ] && echo "cloud-init not found" 1>&2 && exit 1
+# The repository from which to fetch the cloud-init datasource and config files.
+# The git reference to use. This can be a branch or tag name as well as a commit ID.
+# Download the cloud init datasource into the cloud-init's "sources" directory.
+curl -sSL -o "${CLOUD_INIT_SOURCES}/" \
+ "${REPO_SLUG}/${GIT_REF}/"
+# Add the configuration file that tells cloud-init what datasource to use.
+mkdir -p /etc/cloud.cfg.d
+curl -sSL -o /etc/cloud.cfg.d/99-DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.cfg \
+ "${REPO_SLUG}/${GIT_REF}/99-DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.cfg"
+echo "So long, and thanks for all the fish."