Update DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo for 20.3 cloud-init


Change-Id: I3d56124a36f68196cecdb88104c5fbf0923dcaee
diff --git a/DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.py b/DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.py
index b4d2fc0..b86938e 100644
--- a/DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.py
+++ b/DataSourceVMwareGuestInfo.py
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# from cloud-init >= 20.3 subp is in its own module
+    from cloudinit.subp import subp, ProcessExecutionError
+except ImportError:
+    from cloudinit.util import subp, ProcessExecutionError
 # This cloud-init datasource was designed for use with CentOS 7,
 # which uses cloud-init 0.7.9. However, this datasource should
 # work with any Linux distribution for which cloud-init is
@@ -171,14 +177,14 @@
         NOVAL = "No value found"
         LOG.debug("Getting guestinfo value for key %s", key)
-            (stdout, stderr) = util.subp([self.vmtoolsd, "--cmd", "info-get guestinfo." + key])
+            (stdout, stderr) = subp([self.vmtoolsd, "--cmd", "info-get guestinfo." + key])
             if stderr == NOVAL:
                 LOG.debug("No value found for key %s", key)
             elif not stdout:
                 LOG.error("Failed to get guestinfo value for key %s", key)
                 return stdout.rstrip()
-        except util.ProcessExecutionError as error:
+        except ProcessExecutionError as error:
             if error.stderr == NOVAL:
                 LOG.debug("No value found for key %s", key)