Copy blockstorage v1 to v2
diff --git a/openstack/blockstorage/v2/volumes/requests_test.go b/openstack/blockstorage/v2/volumes/requests_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75c2bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/blockstorage/v2/volumes/requests_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+package volumes
+import (
+	"testing"
+	fixtures ""
+	""
+	th ""
+	""
+func TestList(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockListResponse(t)
+	count := 0
+	List(client.ServiceClient(), &ListOpts{}).EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) {
+		count++
+		actual, err := ExtractVolumes(page)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Errorf("Failed to extract volumes: %v", err)
+			return false, err
+		}
+		expected := []Volume{
+			Volume{
+				ID:   "289da7f8-6440-407c-9fb4-7db01ec49164",
+				Name: "vol-001",
+			},
+			Volume{
+				ID:   "96c3bda7-c82a-4f50-be73-ca7621794835",
+				Name: "vol-002",
+			},
+		}
+		th.CheckDeepEquals(t, expected, actual)
+		return true, nil
+	})
+	if count != 1 {
+		t.Errorf("Expected 1 page, got %d", count)
+	}
+func TestListAll(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockListResponse(t)
+	allPages, err := List(client.ServiceClient(), &ListOpts{}).AllPages()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	actual, err := ExtractVolumes(allPages)
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	expected := []Volume{
+		Volume{
+			ID:   "289da7f8-6440-407c-9fb4-7db01ec49164",
+			Name: "vol-001",
+		},
+		Volume{
+			ID:   "96c3bda7-c82a-4f50-be73-ca7621794835",
+			Name: "vol-002",
+		},
+	}
+	th.CheckDeepEquals(t, expected, actual)
+func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockGetResponse(t)
+	v, err := Get(client.ServiceClient(), "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22").Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.AssertEquals(t, v.Name, "vol-001")
+	th.AssertEquals(t, v.ID, "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22")
+	th.AssertEquals(t, v.Attachments[0]["device"], "/dev/vde")
+func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockCreateResponse(t)
+	options := &CreateOpts{Size: 75}
+	n, err := Create(client.ServiceClient(), options).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.AssertEquals(t, n.Size, 4)
+	th.AssertEquals(t, n.ID, "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22")
+func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockDeleteResponse(t)
+	res := Delete(client.ServiceClient(), "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22")
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, res.Err)
+func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	fixtures.MockUpdateResponse(t)
+	options := UpdateOpts{Name: "vol-002"}
+	v, err := Update(client.ServiceClient(), "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22", options).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.CheckEquals(t, "vol-002", v.Name)