Making root docs more consistent
diff --git a/auth_results.go b/auth_results.go
index 07e0fc7..1a1faa5 100644
--- a/auth_results.go
+++ b/auth_results.go
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
 // AuthResults encapsulates the raw results from an authentication request. As OpenStack allows
 // extensions to influence the structure returned in ways that Gophercloud cannot predict at
 // compile-time, you should use type-safe accessors to work with the data represented by this type,
-// such as ServiceCatalog() and TokenID().
+// such as ServiceCatalog and TokenID.
 type AuthResults interface {
-	// Retrieve the authentication token's value from the authentication response.
+	// TokenID returns the token's ID value from the authentication response.
 	TokenID() (string, error)
 	// ExpiresAt retrieves the token's expiration time.