Backport openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/

Change-Id: I4ab546714af9bfce738d3d0cfa6f86ed7f889d1d
Related-PROD: PROD-34272
diff --git a/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/doc.go b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d864e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// quotasets unit tests
+package testing
diff --git a/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/fixtures.go b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/fixtures.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a410af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/fixtures.go
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package testing
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"testing"
+	""
+	""
+	th ""
+	""
+const FirstTenantID = "555544443333222211110000ffffeeee"
+var getExpectedJSONBody = `
+    "quota_set" : {
+        "volumes" : 8,
+        "snapshots" : 9,
+        "gigabytes" : 10,
+        "per_volume_gigabytes" : 11,
+        "backups" : 12,
+        "backup_gigabytes" : 13,
+        "groups": 14
+    }
+var getExpectedQuotaSet = quotasets.QuotaSet{
+	Volumes:            8,
+	Snapshots:          9,
+	Gigabytes:          10,
+	PerVolumeGigabytes: 11,
+	Backups:            12,
+	BackupGigabytes:    13,
+	Groups:             14,
+var getUsageExpectedJSONBody = `
+    "quota_set" : {
+        "id": "555544443333222211110000ffffeeee",
+        "volumes" : {
+            "in_use": 15,
+            "limit": 16,
+            "reserved": 17
+        },
+        "snapshots" : {
+            "in_use": 18,
+            "limit": 19,
+            "reserved": 20
+        },
+        "gigabytes" : {
+            "in_use": 21,
+            "limit": 22,
+            "reserved": 23
+        },
+        "per_volume_gigabytes" : {
+            "in_use": 24,
+            "limit": 25,
+            "reserved": 26
+        },
+        "backups" : {
+            "in_use": 27,
+            "limit": 28,
+            "reserved": 29
+        },
+        "backup_gigabytes" : {
+            "in_use": 30,
+            "limit": 31,
+            "reserved": 32
+        },
+        "groups" : {
+            "in_use": 40,
+            "limit": 41,
+            "reserved": 42
+        }
+	}
+var getUsageExpectedQuotaSet = quotasets.QuotaUsageSet{
+	ID:                 FirstTenantID,
+	Volumes:            quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 15, Limit: 16, Reserved: 17},
+	Snapshots:          quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 18, Limit: 19, Reserved: 20},
+	Gigabytes:          quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 21, Limit: 22, Reserved: 23},
+	PerVolumeGigabytes: quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 24, Limit: 25, Reserved: 26},
+	Backups:            quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 27, Limit: 28, Reserved: 29},
+	BackupGigabytes:    quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 30, Limit: 31, Reserved: 32},
+	Groups:             quotasets.QuotaUsage{InUse: 40, Limit: 41, Reserved: 42},
+var fullUpdateExpectedJSONBody = `
+    "quota_set": {
+        "volumes": 8,
+        "snapshots": 9,
+        "gigabytes": 10,
+        "per_volume_gigabytes": 11,
+        "backups": 12,
+        "backup_gigabytes": 13,
+        "groups": 14
+    }
+var fullUpdateOpts = quotasets.UpdateOpts{
+	Volumes:            gophercloud.IntToPointer(8),
+	Snapshots:          gophercloud.IntToPointer(9),
+	Gigabytes:          gophercloud.IntToPointer(10),
+	PerVolumeGigabytes: gophercloud.IntToPointer(11),
+	Backups:            gophercloud.IntToPointer(12),
+	BackupGigabytes:    gophercloud.IntToPointer(13),
+	Groups:             gophercloud.IntToPointer(14),
+var fullUpdateExpectedQuotaSet = quotasets.QuotaSet{
+	Volumes:            8,
+	Snapshots:          9,
+	Gigabytes:          10,
+	PerVolumeGigabytes: 11,
+	Backups:            12,
+	BackupGigabytes:    13,
+	Groups:             14,
+var partialUpdateExpectedJSONBody = `
+    "quota_set": {
+        "volumes": 200,
+        "snapshots": 0,
+        "gigabytes": 0,
+        "per_volume_gigabytes": 0,
+        "backups": 0,
+        "backup_gigabytes": 0
+    }
+var partialUpdateOpts = quotasets.UpdateOpts{
+	Volumes:            gophercloud.IntToPointer(200),
+	Snapshots:          gophercloud.IntToPointer(0),
+	Gigabytes:          gophercloud.IntToPointer(0),
+	PerVolumeGigabytes: gophercloud.IntToPointer(0),
+	Backups:            gophercloud.IntToPointer(0),
+	BackupGigabytes:    gophercloud.IntToPointer(0),
+var partiualUpdateExpectedQuotaSet = quotasets.QuotaSet{Volumes: 200}
+// HandleSuccessfulRequest configures the test server to respond to an HTTP request.
+func HandleSuccessfulRequest(t *testing.T, httpMethod, uriPath, jsonOutput string, uriQueryParams map[string]string) {
+	th.Mux.HandleFunc(uriPath, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+		th.TestMethod(t, r, httpMethod)
+		th.TestHeader(t, r, "X-Auth-Token", client.TokenID)
+		w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
+		if uriQueryParams != nil {
+			th.TestFormValues(t, r, uriQueryParams)
+		}
+		fmt.Fprintf(w, jsonOutput)
+	})
+// HandleDeleteSuccessfully tests quotaset deletion.
+func HandleDeleteSuccessfully(t *testing.T) {
+	th.Mux.HandleFunc("/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+		th.TestMethod(t, r, "DELETE")
+		th.TestHeader(t, r, "X-Auth-Token", client.TokenID)
+		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+	})
diff --git a/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/requests_test.go b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/requests_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be309a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/blockstorage/extensions/quotasets/testing/requests_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package testing
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"testing"
+	""
+	th ""
+	""
+func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	uriQueryParms := map[string]string{}
+	HandleSuccessfulRequest(t, "GET", "/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, getExpectedJSONBody, uriQueryParms)
+	actual, err := quotasets.Get(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.CheckDeepEquals(t, &getExpectedQuotaSet, actual)
+func TestGetUsage(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	uriQueryParms := map[string]string{"usage": "true"}
+	HandleSuccessfulRequest(t, "GET", "/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, getUsageExpectedJSONBody, uriQueryParms)
+	actual, err := quotasets.GetUsage(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.CheckDeepEquals(t, getUsageExpectedQuotaSet, actual)
+func TestFullUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	uriQueryParms := map[string]string{}
+	HandleSuccessfulRequest(t, "PUT", "/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, fullUpdateExpectedJSONBody, uriQueryParms)
+	actual, err := quotasets.Update(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID, fullUpdateOpts).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.CheckDeepEquals(t, &fullUpdateExpectedQuotaSet, actual)
+func TestPartialUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	uriQueryParms := map[string]string{}
+	HandleSuccessfulRequest(t, "PUT", "/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, partialUpdateExpectedJSONBody, uriQueryParms)
+	actual, err := quotasets.Update(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID, partialUpdateOpts).Extract()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)
+	th.CheckDeepEquals(t, &partiualUpdateExpectedQuotaSet, actual)
+type ErrorUpdateOpts quotasets.UpdateOpts
+func (opts ErrorUpdateOpts) ToBlockStorageQuotaUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+	return nil, errors.New("This is an error")
+func TestErrorInToBlockStorageQuotaUpdateMap(t *testing.T) {
+	opts := &ErrorUpdateOpts{}
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	HandleSuccessfulRequest(t, "PUT", "/os-quota-sets/"+FirstTenantID, "", nil)
+	_, err := quotasets.Update(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID, opts).Extract()
+	if err == nil {
+		t.Fatal("Error handling failed")
+	}
+func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
+	th.SetupHTTP()
+	defer th.TeardownHTTP()
+	HandleDeleteSuccessfully(t)
+	err := quotasets.Delete(client.ServiceClient(), FirstTenantID).ExtractErr()
+	th.AssertNoErr(t, err)