Back to rackspace for pull request.
Revert "rackspace -> maxlinc, to make sure travis works"
This reverts commit c56e9e6d7ac987d0b073f79a545df94fc4d609bf.
diff --git a/README.asciidoc b/README.asciidoc
index 163ce88..4d2e4c4 100644
--- a/README.asciidoc
+++ b/README.asciidoc
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
===== Installing Into an Existing Project
Assuming you have a project underway already and its `$GOPATH` environment variable holds the correct path, you can include the Gophercloud package in the usual manner using `go get`:
- go get
+ go get
The remainder of this document, and supporting materials, assumes a correct `$GOPATH` configuration, but further assumes that an environment variable `$GOPHERCLOUD` points to the Gophercloud installation directory as well. E.g.,
===== Creating a New Gophercloud Project
If you're just starting out with Go, a convenience script exists which lets you create a new Go workspace preconfigured with Gophercloud for you.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
You can execute the following command to create a brand new Go workspace that is minimally configured for use with Gophercloud. This should work for any reasonable POSIX-compatible environment.
- source <(curl "")
+ source <(curl "")
This script will not only install the software, but also create a shell script `` which, when executed, restores both `$GOPATH` and `$GOPHERCLOUD` to their correct values. The project will be installed in `$HOME/go/gophercloud`.
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
2. Gophercloud incorrectly implements the relevant Openstack standards.
3. Mistake in setting up the `SDK_*` environment variables above.
-If a problem occurs,[we'd love to hear about it in the issue tracker!]
+If a problem occurs,[we'd love to hear about it in the issue tracker!]
==== Using Gophercloud
-Simply list Gophercloud in the import section of relevant source listings, and you will be able to issue cloud requests through Gophercloud. For examples, either refer to the detailed SDK documentation, or[take a look at the acceptance-level tests in the `acceptance` subdirectory.]
+Simply list Gophercloud in the import section of relevant source listings, and you will be able to issue cloud requests through Gophercloud. For examples, either refer to the detailed SDK documentation, or[take a look at the acceptance-level tests in the `acceptance` subdirectory.]
==== Contributing Features or Bug-Fixes
After using Gophercloud for a while, you might find that it lacks some useful feature, or that existing behavior seems buggy. We welcome contributions from our users for both missing functionality as well as for bug fixes.