Ookay, last reshuffle.

 * openstack.NewClient() normalizes the identity endpoint with a trailing slash, and sets base and endpoint.
 * utils.ChooseVersion() checks suffixes first to short-circuit actual version calls.
 * gophercloud.ProviderClient distinguishes between the root of all identity services (IdentityBase)
   and the endpoint of the requested auth service (IdentityEndpoint).
diff --git a/provider_client.go b/provider_client.go
index 971276e..2be665e 100644
--- a/provider_client.go
+++ b/provider_client.go
@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@
 // providing whatever authentication credentials are required.
 type ProviderClient struct {
-	// IdentityEndpoint is the front door to an openstack provider.
+	// IdentityBase is the front door to an openstack provider.
 	// Generally this will be populated when you authenticate.
 	// It should be the *root* resource of the identity service, not of a specific identity version.
+	IdentityBase string
+	// IdentityEndpoint is the originally requested identity endpoint.
+	// This may be a specific version of the identity service, in which case that endpoint is used rather than querying the
+	// version-negotiation endpoint.
 	IdentityEndpoint string
 	// TokenID is the most recently valid token issued.