{%- if pillar.influxdb.server is defined %} {%- from "influxdb/map.jinja" import server, monitoring with context %} {%- if server.get('enabled', False) %} server: alert: {%- if server.get('http', {}).get('enabled', False) %} InfluxdbQDown: if: >- influxdb_up != 1 labels: severity: warning service: influxdb annotations: summary: 'InfluxDB service down' {% raw %} description: 'InfluxDB service is down on node {{ $labels.host }}' {% endraw %} InfluxdbHTTPClientError: {%- set influx_http_client_error_threshold = monitoring.http_errors_percentage %} if: >- rate(influxdb_httpd_clientError[2m]) / rate(influxdb_httpd_req[2m]) * 100 > {{ influx_http_client_error_threshold }} {% raw %} labels: severity: warning service: influxdb annotations: summary: 'Influxdb number of client errors is high' description: '{{ printf `%.1f` $value }}% of client requests are in error on {{ $labels.host }} (threshold={%- endraw %}{{ influx_http_client_error_threshold }}).' InfluxdbHTTPPointsWrittenFail: {%- set influx_http_points_written_fail_threshold = monitoring.failed_points_percentage %} if: >- rate(influxdb_httpd_pointsWrittenFail[2m]) / rate(influxdb_httpd_pointsWrittenOK[2m]) * 100 > {{ influx_http_points_written_fail_threshold }} {% raw %} labels: severity: warning service: influxdb annotations: summary: 'Influxdb too many failed writes' description: '{{ printf `%.1f` $value }}% of written points have failed on {{ $labels.host }} (threshold={%- endraw %}{{ influx_http_points_written_fail_threshold }}).' InfluxdbHTTPPointsWrittenDropped: {%- set influx_http_points_written_dropped_threshold = monitoring.dropped_points_percentage %} if: >- rate(influxdb_httpd_pointsWrittenDropped[2m]) / rate(influxdb_httpd_pointsWrittenOK[2m]) * 100 > {{ influx_http_points_written_dropped_threshold }} {% raw %} labels: severity: warning service: influxdb annotations: summary: 'Influxdb too many dropped writes' description: '{{ printf `%.1f` $value }}% of written points have been dropped on {{ $labels.host }} (threshold={%- endraw %}{{ influx_http_points_written_dropped_threshold }}).' {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %}