{%- from "influxdb/map.jinja" import relay with context -%} {%- if relay.get('enabled') %} {%- for name, listen in relay.listen.iteritems()|sort %} {%- if listen.get('enabled', True) and listen.get('type', 'http') in ('http', 'udp') %} {%- set listen_type = listen.get('type', 'http') %} [[{{ listen_type }}]] name = "{{ name }}" bind-addr = "{{ listen.bind.get('address', '') }}:{{ listen.bind.port }}" {%- if listen_type == 'http' and listen.default_retention_policy is defined %} default-retention-policy = "{{ listen.default_retention_policy }}" {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'udp' and listen.precision is defined %} precision = "{{ listen.precision }}" {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'udp' and listen.read_buffer is defined %} read-buffer = {{ listen.read_buffer|int }} {%- endif %} {%- set outputs = [] %} {%- for output_name, output in listen.get('output', {}).iteritems()|sort %} {%- set tmp = ['name = "{}"'.format(output_name), 'location = "{}"'.format( output.location)] %} {%- if listen_type == 'http' and output.timeout is defined %} {%- do tmp.append('timeout = "{}"'.format(output.timeout)) %} {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'http' and output.buffer_size_mb is defined %} {%- do tmp.append('buffer-size-mb = {}'.format(output.buffer_size_mb)) %} {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'http' and output.max_batch_kb is defined %} {%- do tmp.append('max-batch-kb = {}'.format(output.max_batch_kb)) %} {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'http' and output.max_delay_interval is defined %} {%- do tmp.append('max-delay-interval = "{}"'.format(output.max_delay_interval)) %} {%- endif %} {%- if listen_type == 'udp' and output.mtu is defined %} {%- do tmp.append('mtu = {}'.format(output.mtu)) %} {%- endif %} {%- do outputs.append(tmp) %} {%- endfor %} output = [ {%- for output in outputs %} { {{ output|join(', ') }} }, {%- endfor %} ] {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %}