{%- from "influxdb/map.jinja" import client with context %} {%- if client.get('enabled') %} {%- set curl_command = 'curl' %} {%- if grains.get('noservices') %} {%- set curl_command = 'true ' + curl_command %} {%- endif %} {%- set noauth_url = "{}://{}:{}/query".format(client.server.protocol, client.server.host, client.server.port) %} {%- set auth_url = "{}?u={}&p={}".format(noauth_url, client.server.user, client.server.password) %} {# Create the admin user (this is only required on the first run) #} {% set create_admin_query = "--data-urlencode \"q=CREATE USER {} WITH PASSWORD '{}' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES\"".format(client.server.user, client.server.password) %} influxdb_create_admin: cmd.run: - name: {{ curl_command }} -f -S -POST "{{ noauth_url }}" {{ create_admin_query }} || {{ curl_command }} -f -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" {{ create_admin_query }} {# Create the regular users #} {%- for user_name, user in client.get('user', {}).iteritems() %} {%- if user.get('enabled', False) %} {%- if user.get('admin', False) %} {% set create_user_query = "--data-urlencode \"q=CREATE USER {} WITH PASSWORD '{}' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES\"".format(user.name, user.password) %} {%- else %} {% set create_user_query = "--data-urlencode \"q=CREATE USER {} WITH PASSWORD '{}'\"".format(user.name, user.password) %} {%- endif %} influxdb_create_user_{{user.name}}: cmd.run: - name: {{ curl_command }} -f -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" {{ create_user_query }} - require: - cmd: influxdb_create_admin {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {# Create the databases #} {%- for db_name, db in client.get('database', {}).iteritems() %} {%- if db.get('enabled', False) %} {% set create_db_query = "--data-urlencode \"q=CREATE DATABASE {}\"".format(db.name) %} influxdb_create_db_{{ db.name }}: cmd.run: - name: {{ curl_command }} -f -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" {{ create_db_query }} - require: - cmd: influxdb_create_admin {% for rp in db.get('retention_policy', []) %} {% set rp_name = rp.get('name', 'autogen') %} {% if rp.get('is_default') %} {% set is_default = 'DEFAULT' %} {% else %} {% set is_default = '' %} {% endif %} {% set duration = rp.get('duration', 'INF') %} {% set replication = rp.get('replication', '1') %} {% if rp.get('shard_duration') %} {% set shard_duration = 'SHARD DURATION {}'.format(rp.shard_duration) %} {% else %} {% set shard_duration = '' %} {% endif %} {% set query_retention_policy = 'RETENTION POLICY {} ON {} DURATION {} REPLICATION {} {} {}'.format( rp_name, db.name, duration, replication, shard_duration, is_default) %} influxdb_retention_policy_{{db.name}}_{{ rp_name }}: cmd.run: - name: {{ curl_command }} -s -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE {{ query_retention_policy }}"|grep -v "policy already exists" || {{ curl_command }} -s -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" --data-urlencode "q=ALTER {{ query_retention_policy }}" - require: - cmd: influxdb_create_db_{{db.name}} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- for grant_name, grant in client.get('grant', {}).iteritems() %} {%- if grant.get('enabled', False) %} {% set query_grant_user_access = "--data-urlencode \"q=GRANT {} ON {} TO {}\"".format(grant.privilege, grant.database, grant.user) %} influxdb_grant_{{ grant_name }}: cmd.run: - name: {{ curl_command }} -f -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" {{ query_grant_user_access }} - require: - cmd: influxdb_create_db_{{ grant.database }} - cmd: influxdb_create_user_{{ grant.user }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {# CONTINUOUS QUERIES #} {# as of influxdb 1.4 CQ can't be altered #} {%- for db_name, db in client.get('database', {}).iteritems() %} {%- set db_name = db.get('name', db_name) %} {%- for cq_name, cq in db.get('continuous_query', {}).iteritems() %} {%- set cq_name_on= 'CONTINUOUS QUERY {} ON {}'.format(cq_name, db_name) %} {%- set query_continuous_query = '{} BEGIN {} END'.format(cq_name_on, cq) %} influxdb_continuous_query_{{db_name}}_{{ cq_name }}: cmd.run: - shell: /bin/bash - name: fail_on() { echo $2; if [[ "$2" == *"$1"* ]]; then return 1; return 0; fi; }; fail_on "already exist" $({{ curl_command }} -s -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE {{ query_continuous_query }}") || fail_on error $({{ curl_command }} -s -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" --data-urlencode $'q=DROP {{ cq_name_on }};\nCREATE {{ query_continuous_query }}') - onlyif: {{ curl_command }} -s -S -POST "{{ auth_url }}" --data-urlencode "q=SHOW DATABASES" | grep {{ db_name }} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %}